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Jump To: Image (7)  |  Text (42)  |  Other (4)

Images (7)

Text (42)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
12th_nit.txt Text File 4,315 129KB 1995-12-18
1henry4.txt Text File 4,475 149KB 1995-12-18
1henry6.txt Text File 4,348 138KB 1995-12-18
2gents.txt Text File 3,611 106KB 1995-12-18
2henry4.txt Text File 4,899 162KB 1995-12-18
2henry6.txt Text File 4,813 158KB 1995-12-18
3henry6.txt Text File 4,629 153KB 1995-12-18
all_well.txt Text File 4,523 140KB 1995-12-18
c_errors.txt Text File 2,943 92KB 1995-12-18
ceaser.txt Text File 4,114 122KB 1995-12-18
cleopatr.txt Text File 6,004 165KB 1995-12-18
coriolan.txt Text File 5,841 174KB 1995-12-18
cymbline.txt Text File 5,491 171KB 1995-12-18
glossary.txt Text File 2,207 80KB 1994-12-20
hamlet.txt Text File 6,051 189KB 1995-12-18
henry5.txt Text File 4,743 160KB 1995-12-18
henry8.txt Text File 4,687 153KB 1995-12-18
kingjohn.txt Text File 3,704 126KB 1995-12-18
kinglear.txt Text File 5,531 163KB 1995-12-18
kngrich2.txt Text File 3,967 139KB 1995-12-18
kngrich3.txt Text File 5,782 186KB 1995-12-18
lovelost.txt Text File 4,341 134KB 1995-12-18
macbeth.txt Text File 3,882 109KB 1995-12-18
measure.txt Text File 4,343 135KB 1995-12-18
merchven.txt Text File 3,889 127KB 1995-12-18
merrywiv.txt Text File 4,456 136KB 1995-12-18
midsumer.txt Text File 3,122 100KB 1995-12-18
much_ado.txt Text File 4,069 127KB 1995-12-18
othello.txt Text File 5,430 162KB 1995-12-18
pericles.txt Text File 3,877 115KB 1995-12-18
rape.txt Text File 2,201 87KB 1995-12-18
romeo.txt Text File 4,773 149KB 1995-12-18
shaksper.txt Text File 37 1KB 1994-12-19
shrew.txt Text File 4,154 128KB 1995-12-18
sonnets.txt Text File 3,659 133KB 1994-12-19
tempest.txt Text File 3,405 103KB 1995-12-18
timon.txt Text File 3,976 117KB 1995-12-18
titus.txt Text File 3,772 128KB 1995-12-18
troilus.txt Text File 5,158 156KB 1995-12-18
venus.txt Text File 1,429 56KB 1995-12-18
win_tale.txt Text File 4,649 150KB 1995-12-18
you_like.txt Text File 4,128 129KB 1995-12-18

Other Files (4)
list.com MS-DOS COM Executable 27KB 1994-03-02
menu.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 33KB 1994-12-20
see.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 26KB 1993-11-11
view.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 39KB 1993-03-02